Common Custom Resources Options

A custom resource is an extension of the Kubernetes API that is not necessarily available in a default Kubernetes installation. It represents a customization of a particular Kubernetes installation. Once a custom resource is installed, users can create and access its objects using kubectl, just as they do for built-in resources like Pods.

By our Custom Resources(CRs) you can define these options:
  • Database Specifications

  • Message Queue Specifications

  • Secret Injection

  • Issuer

User can find out how these individual options are defined in deploy/cuelang/*-crd.cue files. In these files, you can also define your own CRs options. Examples of deployments with CRs can be found in docs/examples.

Database Specifications

With this option, user can define the specifications of the database. There are two required fields, which are proxy and backup. In field proxy, you can set the number of replicas.

In the backup field you can specify the exact time when the database should be backed up. This schedule field is required. Except the exact time, you can also define the targets, where is your database backed up. Here user must define all required fields, which are endpoint as a string, name of the bucket, and reference to credentials credentialRef. For now, you can use only s3 as your target(see the example of a database specs option). The last parameter you can set in your backup field is mysqldump, which acquires a boolean value. By default, it is set to false.

Also, user can set the size and class name of the storage by defining these two fields storageSize and storageClassName. The last one what user can define is mysqlConfig, where CRD expects only the 4 keys: mysqld, galera, client-server or sst.

The following is an example of a database specs option:

  replicas: 1
  storageClassName: premium-perf4-stackit
  storageSize: 8Gi
    replicas: 1
    schedule: "*/5 * * * *"
        endpoint: https://cool.s3.endpoint
        bucket: mybucket
        addressingStyle: path
          name: backup-s3-password
      max_connections: 1337
      max_heap_table_size: 64M

Message Queue Specifications

User can define options like the number of replicas and class name and size of the storage by customizing these two fields: storageClassName, storageSize.

The following is an example of a Message Queue specs option:

  replicas: 1
  storageSize: 2Gi
  storageClassName: bar-class

Secret Injection

To include confidential values in the configuration you can use the field *Secret, where this field has the prefix glance or keystone based on the OpenStack component. This allows use to reference an external secret that is included at a specific path in the configuration. In this option are required fields secretName and items. In field items user must define key, which is part of the external secret, and specific path, where the external secret is included in the configuration.

The following is an example of a secret injection option for glance:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: mysecret
  mykey: "SomeValueAsBase64"
kind: GlanceDeployment
  name: glance
    - secretName: mysecret
        - key: mykey
          path: /DEFAULT/transport_url


Issuer is Kubernetes resource that represents certificate authorities (CAs) that are able to generate signed certificates by honoring certificate signing requests. All cert-manager certificates require a referenced issuer that is in a ready condition to attempt to honor the request.

By this option, users can easily by our CRs define issuerRef for all certificate templates.

The following is an example of a issuer option:

  name: "ca-issuer"

Ingress Specifications

Many Yaook custom resources configure a Kubernetes Ingress to accept incoming HTTP(S) requests.

The options for these ingresses are generally available under a resource-specifically located ingress key, which supports the following items:

  • fqdn: The FQDN on which the ingress should listen.

  • port: The external port number of the ingress. This is an information which is not declarative for the Ingress, but only used to form a URL for use with other services.

  • ingressClassName: Maps to the ingressClassName field on the Ingress. Please see the Ingress Class section in the Ingress documentation for more details.

Container Resource Management

Whenever Yaook custom resources create workloads, the containers’ resources can be managed via a resources attribute. These attributes have the following structure:

    limits: {}
    requests: {}
    limits: {}
    requests: {}

Please note:

  • Both limits and requests are optional. Remember that only specifying limits will set requests to the same values.

  • Container names are specific to each custom resource definition. Please refer to the definition or the installed resources for details.

  • In general, resources is a sibling key to replicas; in most places where you can set replicas (for instance, within .spec.api in a KeystoneDeployment), you can also set resources.

Job Resource Management

The resources for containers in jobs and cronjobs can also be specified via a top-level jobResources attribute. Here the job name is used as the key.

    limits: {}
    requests: {}
    limits: {}
    requests: {}

Again, please refer to the custom resource definition to find out the names of the jobs that can be managed.